Friel Stafford > Blog >
Table shows the decline of competition in the Irish banking market and the impact of Covid on litigation by the banks and Vulture Funds
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business

Yesterday I posted details of a Personal Insolvency Seminar that I am presenting next week. I set out above one of the PowerPoint slides that I have prepared for the seminar. The Table shows the number of Summary Proceedings issued for judgment in the High Court by various banks and vulture funds for a number…

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The risky joys of being a NED of a subsidiary during Covid
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business, Uncategorized

Many people are delighted to take up a Non-Executive Directorship of a subsidiary for, say €20,000 a year. However, the unprecedented nature of Covid has substantially changed the ground rules for many NEDs, and is making some of them very nervous. We are providing advice for an increasing number of directors of Irish Companies who…

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Lessons learnt from holding Virtual Creditors meetings during Covid
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business

The Consulative Committee of Accountancy Bodies-Ireland recently issued Technical Guidance on how to hold Virtual Creditors meetings. We are now arranging creditors meetings with the benefit of this guidance. Having now held a number of Virtual Creditors meetings I set out below some common sense tips on how to successfully conduct such meetings. The CCABI…

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