
Friel Stafford > Blog > Business
What do you do if you are unable to pay the actual redundancy monies due to employees that you are making redundant?
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business, Uncategorized

The answer depends on whether you are a sole trader, partnership or limited company. Some businesses, in order to survive the Covoid crisis, will have to do a combination of lay-offs and redundancies. Position of Sole Traders/Partnerships Sole traders and partners in a partnership are personally liable for their trading debts, including redundancy monies. If…

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Covid-19: Working together with clients and other stakeholders
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business, Uncategorized

We have established plans and procedures to continue providing a continuity of service to our clients and to other stakeholders that we deal with, particularly employees and creditors of insolvent companies and creditors of personal insolvency cases. Throughout this period, we will remain available to you and fully operational. The only certainty is uncertainty. We…

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Economists have now become Epidemioligists!
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business, Uncategorized

KBC Business Banking in partnership with ACCA hosted a business breakfast last week with guest speakers from Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland and ACCA Ireland as well as KBC’s chief economist Austin Hughes. Interesting topics included: Life after Brexit & the outlook for growth globally and particularly in the Irish economy. Austin provided very knowledgeable…

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How a Judgment Mortgage of €1.4 million forced 3 other creditors owed €59 million to accept €1,200 in full and final settlement
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business, Uncategorized

If you have clients, friends or colleagues with an unpaid judgement mortgage (‘JM’) on their family home that pre-dates 1 January 2015 then, depending on their financial circumstances, they may be able to use that JM to prove eligibility for Section 115A of the Personal Insolvency Act 2012, and thereby achieve a significant write off of their debts….

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Dealing with the Revenue Sheriff and the January Blues + New Revenue guidelines on installment plans
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business, Uncategorized

The Revenue Commissioners updated their internal procedures for using Sheriffs in November 2019. As far as the taxpayer is concerned, the main changes have been internal procedures, combined with the continuing roll out their new Debt Management System which means that their decision making is becoming more computer driven, which is now resulting in much…

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