
How to deal with the Sheriff
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business

Traditionally we have always received the most calls in the month of January from accountants and solicitors asking how their clients should deal with creditor pressure.  This January is proving no different. What is significant about January is that there is usually more creditor pressure from the tax authorities as a result of the VAT liability for November/December becoming payable combined with the balancing…

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How vulture funds are changing the litigation landscape
  • Posted by: Jim Stafford
  • Category: Business

I set out below a chart that shows the number of High Court Summary Summons issued by the major banks and vulture funds in 2010 and the projected number for 2016. 2010                         2016 ACC                                                          266                             80 AIB/EBS                                                    716                        1,140 BOI/ICS                                                  1,314                           520 Bank of Scotland                                        124                              0 Cabot                                                            34                           130 Anglo Irish Bank                                         …

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