Management Buyout

Friel Stafford > Management Buyout

Management Buy-outs in Ireland

A management buy-out occurs when a business – or part of a business – is sold to its existing management team.

Management buy-outs in Ireland primarily occur for three different reasons:

  • When a large company is seeking to dispose of part of its business
  • When the owner-manager of a business is looking to retire
  • When the company´s management team believes the business is undervalued or could be performing with greater efficiency

An alternative scenario to the third item on the above list is when an external management team takes over a company. This is referred to as a management buy-in; and, although a different management team is driving the transaction, the management buy-out process and the management buy-in process are virtually identical.

Whether you are looking to buy-out a business or buy into a business, the team at Friel Stafford have twenty years of providing management buy-out advice, and we can support you every stage of acquiring (or disposing of) a company in Ireland.

The Management Buy-out Process

The initial stage of the management buy-out process is to conduct a business review in order to establish whether the management buy-out can be funded, unless the equity funding is being provided from the management team itself.

Banks and other equity investors will want due diligence conducted to assess the business´s current commercial and financial performance, company valuation, accounting controls, tax situation and legal position.

In addition to the business having reasonable growth potential and an experienced management team, investors will be looking for a strong cash flow, a low level of debt, good quality assets and, of course, it is also important that the vendor is willing to sell for a reasonable price.

Speak with Friel Stafford for Management Buy-out Advice

Friel Stafford has an established track record of successfully handling management buy-outs in Ireland on behalf of our clients. Our team can guide you through each stage of the management buy-out process and keep you informed on the progress of business reports and fundraising activities.

It costs nothing to chat with a member of our team and find out more about management buy-outs in Ireland, and you are invited to call the Friel Stafford advice line on 01 661 4066 or use the contact form on this page to request a call back at a suitable time.

Whether you are considering a management buy-out or a management buy-in let the team at Friel Stafford provide you with the most appropriate and professional management buy-out advice.

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