Disposals / Trade Sales

Friel Stafford > Disposals / Trade Sales

Disposals and Trade Sales

If you wish to sell your business, be it because of impending retirement, lack of succession or any one of a wide variety of reasons, Friel Stafford can advise you on preparing your company for sale to make it sure it is at its most ‘attractive’ to potential purchasers.

We can then market the business and identify potential purchasers. We have a strong history of successfully selling businesses over the past 20 years.

We can advise the exisitng owners on the sale to ensure that their interests are best looked after during the negotiations and during the compleation stages.

For further information please contact Jim Stafford or Tom Murray on 01 661 4066 or jim.stafford@frielstafford.ie or tom.murray@frielstafford.ie

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