Corporate Finance

Friel Stafford > Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance in Ireland

Corporate finance is an umbrella term that refers to a broad range of services intended to assist company growth – from sourcing business funding to managing business acquisitions and mergers.

Each of the services plays an individual role within a corporate finance strategy, yet each has an impact on many other business activities within that strategy.

Therefore “successful” corporate finance in Ireland is dependent on having a comprehensive business plan which is diligently prepared and systematically executed.

At Friel Stafford, we have been providing corporate finance advice to businesses for two decades, and our team of experts can help you prepare a suitable business plan before guiding you through each process so that it is executed with maximum effect.

Due Diligence and Business Reviews

Any corporate finance strategy relies on the accuracy and integrity of the information used to develop the strategy, and at Friel Stafford our team have a wealth of experience in conducting independent business reviews and assessing the relative strengths and weakness of a business.

Accurate due diligence is essential when important business decisions have to be made – such as mergers and acquisitions – and whereas independent business reviews are more commonly associated with satisfying the demands of lenders, they can also reveal previously under-employed resources which can aid a company in its development.

Company valuations are another area in which accuracy and integrity is essential, and rather than base our opinions on the numbers alone, our team will review the operation of the business, its position within its specific industry and the economic trends affecting that industry as well.

Grant Fund and Equity Fund Raising

The accuracy of the information gathered in preparation of a business review is equally important when a corporate finance strategy depends on grant fund or equity fund raising in order to be successful.

Friel Stafford´s experience in this field can be of significant value to you, and our team will provide you details of the most appropriate source of funding for your specific situation:

• Enterprise Ireland Grants – This state agency is responsible for supporting the financial development of manufacturing and services companies; and our team will assess whether or not your business meets the necessary criteria to qualify for an Enterprise Ireland grant.

• EU/Government Grants – There are many EU and Government grants available to businesses in Ireland to encourage growth and company development. Friel Stafford can identify those which you may be eligible for and prepare an application on your behalf.

• Equity Funding – Businesses which have the potential for growth are of interest to private equity investors, provided that an acceptable corporate finance strategy is in place. We can introduce you to the most suitable investor groups and prepare a business proposal for you.

Once you have received funding, Friel Stafford can provide the corporate finance advice you may need to manage your funds in a manner that complies with the terms of the grant or third party investment.

Additional Corporate Finance

In addition to sourcing the most appropriate funding for your business, Friel Stafford can provide corporate finance advice on the procedures for disposals and trade sales, mergers and acquisitions, and management buy-outs/ins (MBOs/MBIs).

Our experience extends to the “other side of the fence”, where we have operated on behalf of banks and other financial services companies, and therefore we are well-versed in the techniques required to achieve a successful conclusion to most corporate finance issues.

By applying our established methodology to your corporate requirements, we can reduce the costs of corporate solutions by pre-empting and preventing obstacles and delays typical of a major company transaction.

A Guide through the Labyrinth of Corporate Finance in Ireland

Friel Stafford has developed a successful track record of helping businesses plan their corporate finance strategy and execute them successfully. Our team can provide corporate finance advice in a multitude of disciplines – whether your business is looking to expand quickly or survive in a difficult economic climate.

However you feel we can be of assistance, you are invited to call the confidential Friel Stafford advice line on 01-661 4066 for a no obligation discussion about your current corporate finance strategy. Alternatively, complete the contact form on this page so that we may call you back at a time which is more convenient for you.

Managing a corporate finance strategy is frequently far from straightforward. Allow Friel Stafford to guide you through the labyrinth of corporate finance in Ireland, discretely and effectively.

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